The LymphScanner is a portable measuring device that can detect the water content in tissue, making it very useful in the detection, monitoring and treatment of lymphoedema.

The LymphScanner is able to take rapid readings, helping therapists to quickly gain information on the regional distribution of Lymphoedema.

The LymphScanner works by generating a high ­frequency, low power ­electromagnetic (EM) wave which the ­tissue is exposed to. The reflected EM wave is registered and the obtained value is a ­dielectric constant, which is ­proportional to the water content of the measured tissue. This TDC (tissue ­dielectric constant) value is converted to water percentage (0 to 99%) and displayed on the screen. The value ­increases with ­increased water content and oedema.

Rapid readings
When the measurement probe is moved on the skin from site to site, the LymphScanner displays the PWC on-site and at the same time calculates the ratio between the reference site and the area being scanned.


  • Quick, reliable and easy to use
  • Portable
  • Connects to a pc
  • Crisp OLED display


  • Works on all body areas
  • Early detections
  • Easily evaluate change in limb volume